Romanian Cadet Overcomes Japanese Top Team

17 Jul 2024

Cristina Hirici (Foto de Remy Gros) was shining like a sun. After saving two match points against Misako Wakamiya, the 15 year old Romanian scored four points in a row to decide the team match in favour of the Europeans.

"I don't think that I m smaller than the others", Hirici said about her age. "I could help the team and thats why I feel okay now."

Misako Wakamiya on her part had a rather unlucky evening. The winner of the World Junior Circuit Finals about six weeks ago lost against Romania’s number one Elizabetha Samara as well as against Hirici.

Korea Winner of the Other Thriller
The second top match of the day ended with a disappointment for the Russian girls. They lost in spite of a 2-0 lead against Korea. Choi Jung Min overcame Jelena Troshneva in the decisive fifth game of the fifth match.

Canada and USA Come Through
The duels between North and Latin America ended with one respective win. Canada overcame Colombia thanks to two wins of Zhang Mo. The Canadian team leader resisted the pressure in her second match against Paula Medina.

It's my team and I need to do what I need to do, she told about her role in the team. And what is her role? "To win matches", she said with a huge smile.

The other American duel was won by USA. The US girls beat Brazil 3-2 thanks to a major effort by the 16 year old Olena Sowers.

Articol publicat de Marius Widmer (ITTF Media Coordinator) pe www.ittf.com.